Collection: Mens Shoes For Wound Care | Diabetic Wound Care
Recovering from surgery and wounds can be a long and painful process. But Healthy Feet Store is here to provide you footwear options to help ease and speed your recovery. Ensure your post-operative healing and wound care goes smoothly with protective post-op shoes for men and boots for wound care. Traumatic foot and ankle injuries can require extensive and supportive care for the best recovery possible. Investing in a wound-care shoe or a post-op shoe can provide ample protection and keep the healing process on track.
Boots or Shoes?
Your doctor will recommend one or the other depending on your injuries. At Healthy Feet Store, we have a selection of closed-toed boots, open-toe boots and shoes in your choice of styles. Some wound-care post-operative footwear is designed to provide protection and shielding, while other footwear is more appropriate for offering structure and support so your foot or ankle heals in the correct position. This type of footwear can also provide pain relief and alleviate pressure from regular daily tasks like walking and standing.
Parts of a Good Wound-Care or Post-Operative System
An effective boot will promote circulation for fast healing. It should achieve a balance between providing support through a rigid support structure and allowing enough flexibility so the user can adjust the boot to find the most comfortable fit.
Ideally, a wound-care shoe or a post-op shoe will offer slip-resistant outsoles, an adjustable and semi-rigid insole, extra padding and high-quality uppers.
Browse the Healthy Feet Store collection, and you will discover many styles of boots to consider, depending on your needs. Classic surgical shoes and cast boots tend to have a more obviously medical look about them, so if blending into everyday life is a concern, you may want to avoid this style. We also carry many styles that have minimal visual impact and look similar to regular shoes. Our post-operative sandals in particular have no identifying marks. We have laced footwear and shoes with straps that also have a very low-key appearance.
In addition to our extensive selection of post-operative and wound-care boots and shoes for men, the Healthy Feet Store carries other useful items to speed you on the road to recovery. Just a few include tough toe guards to protect tender toes from bumps and other mishaps. Choose from square-toe or round-toe styles. We also carry a variety of special insoles designed for diabetics as well as for taking pressure off wounds or ulcerations on the foot's plantar surface.